Installing Pleroma

Installing Pleroma

I am already running a few mastodon instances, for mainly bots and 1 other one for testing.

Mastodon is a bit of a pain to get installed and running in docker-compose. It is also a bit limited in what you can post, formatting wise, no html, no markdown

Discovered that pleroma has more options, and after watching a youtube video I gave it a try. The result is now running under I did run into an error or 2.

Errors and fixes

The first error I ran into was that I already a postgress database running. Changing the port in the docker-compose.yml file addressed that.

The second one took a little bit more time: ** (RuntimeError) Configuration at /etc/pleroma/config.exs has world-permissions, execute the following: chmod o= /etc/pleroma/config.exs

This can be fixed by installing ""

After that, everything was finde & dandy.

Main use

I will be mainly using this for bots that could use a few more options for posting formatted html.