Hardware troubles and Alt Texts, AI

Hardware troubles and Alt Texts, AI

So this week did not start too good, decided to put my servers in a 'rack' (small customized bookshelf) to allow for better cooling as I was running a local ollama on a machine without GPU. The temperatures ran up into the 90's (Centigrade) when running it to generate a description of the image. As a result my router decided to change the IP of that machine, which was also running some other services it broke most of my small apps.
After that being fixed one of my rasberry pi's failed by the filesystem to become read only. This was running a lot of nodejs code and another emergency change was in order. I managed to copy all of the code to another machine (A raspberry pi 5 with an SSD).

I was able to get the code running again pretty quickly.

The original purpose was to get the server cool and coolable enough to generate descriptions of the images that are posted by various bots on mastodon.ozioso.online.
I had to do some testing before it going 'into production'. The speeds were acceptable; appr 1 minute per image and the results were decent.
Then the next mistake: while finalizing the posting mechanism I decided to install the latest version of ollama (0.28) and the times to generate descriptions exploded. Luckily enough I had installed an older version (0.25) on another machine and the times to generate descriptions became acceptable again.

Lots of cigarettes went up in smoke.....